Source code for sndict.structurednesteddict

import collections as col
import six
import types
import warnings

from .nesteddict import NestedDict
from .exceptions import LevelError
from .shared import get_filter_func
from .utils import (
    GetSetFunctionClass, GetSetAmbiguousTupleFunctionClass,
    list_add, list_index, list_is_unique,
    dict_to_string, get_str_func,
    replace_none, identity,
from .compat import iter_to_list


[docs]class StructuredNestedDict(col.OrderedDict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Extension of OrderedDict that exposes advanced operations on nested dicts of fixed depth Parameters ---------- data: dict, or list Nested dictionary levels: int Number of levels level_names: list List of level names """ # Extract kwargs level_names = kwargs.pop("level_names", None) if level_names is None: levels = kwargs.pop("levels", 1) else: levels = kwargs.pop("levels", len(level_names)) self._nested_initialized = False # Custom initialization self._levels = levels if level_names is None: self._level_names_is_set = False self._level_names = None # Lazily initialize else: assert len(level_names) == self._levels assert list_is_unique(level_names) self._level_names_is_set = True self._level_names = level_names # Initialize superclass super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def groupby(cls, data, by, levels=None, level_names=None): """Initialize by grouping elements from list Parameters ---------- data: list or dictionary List or dictionary to group by by: function Function applied to list elements to form key elements levels: int Number of levels level_names: list List of level names Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ new_dict = col.OrderedDict() if isinstance(data, dict): for key, val in six.iteritems(data): new_dict[by(key)] = val else: for elem in data: new_dict[by(elem)] = elem new_sndict = StructuredNestedDict(new_dict) if levels is None and level_names is None: return new_sndict elif levels is not None and level_names is None: return new_sndict.stratify(levels=levels-1) elif levels is None and level_names is not None: levels = len(level_names) return new_sndict.stratify(levels=levels-1) \ .replace_metadata(level_names=level_names) else: raise RuntimeError("Don't supply both levels and level_names")
# ==== Properties ==== # @property def dim(self): """Dimensions of whole StructuredNestedDict, up to defined level Returns ------- tuple: Tuple of widths of nested dictionaries, one per level """ if self.levels == 1: return len(self), dim_list = [[0] * (self._levels - 1)] for sub_dict in self.values(): dim_list.append(sub_dict.dim) return (len(self),) + tuple(list_add(dim_list)) @property def levels(self): """Number of levels Returns ------- int """ return self._levels @property def level_names(self): """Names of levels. Defaults to ["level0", "level1", ...] is no names are provided Returns ------- list """ if self._level_names_is_set: return tuple(self._level_names) else: return ["level{i}".format(i=i) for i in range(self._levels)] @property def dim_dict(self): """Dimensions of whole StructuredNestedDict as dict, up to defined level Returns ------- dict Dimensions keyed by level name """ return dict(zip(self.level_names, self._dim)) # ==== Iterators ==== #
[docs] def iterflatten(self, levels=-1, named=True): """Returns an iterator with multiple levels flattened WARNING: If there are empty dictionaries within the levels being flattened, their keys will be lost. This is consistent with the logic of flattening - those dictionaries contain no values for a (level-tuple)-keyed dictionary. Note: .flatten(levels=0) does nothing, .flatten(levels=1) compresses 1 level (i.e. keys will be 2-ples) .flatten(levels=-1) compresses all levels Parameters ---------- levels: int, default=1 Number of levels to flatten by. Defaults to flattening one level named: bool Whether output key-tuples are namedtuples Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ levels = self._wrap_level(levels) if levels is None: levels = self.levels - 1 else: levels = self._wrap_level(levels) if named: key_tup_class = self.get_named_tuple(levels=levels + 1) else: key_tup_class = tuple_constructor for key_ls, val in self._iterflatten(levels=levels): yield key_tup_class(*key_ls), val
def _iterflatten(self, levels): """Underlying iterator for flattening""" levels = self._wrap_level(levels) # flatten 0 = nothing, flatten 1 = 1 for key, val in six.iteritems(self): # TODO: stop levels from being too deep if levels > 0: if not isinstance(val, StructuredNestedDict): raise LevelError() for partial_key_tup, sub_val in val._iterflatten(levels - 1): yield (key,) + partial_key_tup, sub_val else: yield (key,), val
[docs] def iterflatten_keys(self, levels=-1, named=True): """Returns an iterator with of keys of flattened dict WARNING: If there are empty dictionaries within the levels being flattened, their keys will be lost. This is consistent with the logic of flattening - those dictionaries contain no values for a (level-tuple)-keyed dictionary. Note: .flatten(levels=0) does nothing, .flatten(levels=1) compresses 1 level (i.e. keys will be 2-ples) .flatten(levels=-1) compresses all levels Parameters ---------- levels: int, default=1 Number of levels to flatten by. Defaults to flattening one level named: bool Whether output key-tuples are namedtuples Returns ------- list """ levels = self._wrap_level(levels) for key, _ in self.iterflatten(levels=levels, named=named): yield key
[docs] def iterflatten_values(self, levels=-1): """Returns an iterator with of values of flattened dict WARNING: If there are empty dictionaries within the levels being flattened, their keys will be lost. This is consistent with the logic of flattening - those dictionaries contain no values for a (level-tuple)-keyed dictionary. Note: .flatten(levels=0) does nothing, .flatten(levels=1) compresses 1 level (i.e. keys will be 2-ples) .flatten(levels=-1) compresses all levels Parameters ---------- levels: int, default=-1 Number of levels to flatten by. Defaults to flattening all levels. Returns ------- list """ levels = self._wrap_level(levels) for _, values in self.iterflatten(levels=levels, named=False): yield values
[docs] def flatten(self, levels=-1, named=True, flattened_name=None): """Returns an StructuredNestedDict with multiple levels flattened WARNING: If there are empty dictionaries within the levels being flattened, their keys will be lost. This is consistent with the logic of flattening - those dictionaries contain no values for a (level-tuple)-keyed dictionary. Note: .flatten(levels=0) does nothing, .flatten(levels=1) compresses 1 level (i.e. keys will be 2-ples) .flatten(levels=-1) compresses all levels Parameters ---------- levels: int, default=1 Number of levels to flatten by. Defaults to flattening one level named: bool Whether output key-tuples are namedtuples flattened_name: str Name of new flattened level. Defaults to original level names joined by "___" Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ levels = self._wrap_level(levels) if not self._level_names_is_set: new_level_names = None else: if flattened_name is None: flattened_name = FLATTENED_LEVEL_NAME_SEPARATOR.join( self.level_names[:levels + 1] ) new_level_names = (flattened_name,) + self.level_names[levels + 1:] return self.__class__( self.iterflatten(levels=levels, named=named), levels=self.levels - levels, level_names=new_level_names, )
[docs] def flatten_keys(self, levels=-1, named=True): """Returns an list with of keys of flattened dict WARNING: If there are empty dictionaries within the levels being flattened, their keys will be lost. This is consistent with the logic of flattening - those dictionaries contain no values for a (level-tuple)-keyed dictionary. Note: .flatten(levels=0) does nothing, .flatten(levels=1) compresses 1 level (i.e. keys will be 2-ples) .flatten(levels=-1) compresses all levels Parameters ---------- levels: int, default=1 Number of levels to flatten by. Defaults to flattening one level named: bool Whether output key-tuples are namedtuples Returns ------- list """ levels = self._wrap_level(levels) return list(self.iterflatten_keys(levels=levels, named=named))
[docs] def flatten_values(self, levels=-1): """Returns an list with of values of flattened dict WARNING: If there are empty dictionaries within the levels being flattened, their keys will be lost. This is consistent with the logic of flattening - those dictionaries contain no values for a (level-tuple)-keyed dictionary. Note: .flatten(levels=0) does nothing, .flatten(levels=1) compresses 1 level (i.e. keys will be 2-ples) .flatten(levels=-1) compresses all levels Parameters ---------- levels: int, default=-1 Number of levels to flatten by. Defaults to flattening all levels. Returns ------- list """ levels = self._wrap_level(levels) return list(self.iterflatten_values(levels=levels))
[docs] def unique_keys(self, named=False, sort_keys=True): """Returns the unique keys in each level of the dictionary Parameters ---------- named: bool If True, return OrderedDict of list of keys of each level. If False, return a list of list of keys. sort_keys: bool Whether to sort each list of keys Returns ------- list or dict """ unique_keys = col.OrderedDict() this_level_dicts = [self] for level, level_name in enumerate(self.level_names): level_key_set = set() next_level_dicts = list() for level_dict in this_level_dicts: level_key_set.update(level_dict.keys()) if level < self.levels - 1: next_level_dicts += level_dict.values() this_level_dicts = next_level_dicts unique_keys[level_name] = list(level_key_set) if sort_keys: unique_keys[level_name].sort() if named: return unique_keys else: return unique_keys.values()
# ==== Dict Transformation ==== #
[docs] def stratify(self, levels=None, stratified_names=None): """Increases depth (nests) of StructuredNestedDict by splitting up keys in the top-most level Parameters ---------- levels: int, default=None Number of levels to stratify by. Defaults to length of first key. Note: levels must be <= length of all top-level keys stratified_names: default=None Names of newly created stratified levels. Must be same length as levels. Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ try: levels = replace_none(levels, len(iter_to_list(self.keys())[0])) except IndexError: raise LevelError("Cannot infer stratify-levels") # stratify 0 = nothing, stratify 1 = 1 new_dict = col.OrderedDict() for key_tup, val in six.iteritems(self): stratified_keys = key_tup[:levels + 1] remaining_keys = key_tup[levels + 1:] dict_pointer = new_dict for key in stratified_keys[:-1]: if key not in dict_pointer: dict_pointer[key] = col.OrderedDict() dict_pointer = dict_pointer[key] final_key = stratified_keys[-1] if len(remaining_keys): dict_pointer[final_key] = col.OrderedDict() dict_pointer[final_key][remaining_keys] = val else: dict_pointer[final_key] = val # TODO: Re-org into function remaining_names = self.level_names[1:] if stratified_names: # Need pre/post stratus name assert len(stratified_names) == levels + 1 level_names = stratified_names + remaining_names else: candidate = tuple(self.level_names[0].split( FLATTENED_LEVEL_NAME_SEPARATOR )) if len(candidate) == levels + 1: level_names = candidate + remaining_names else: level_names = None return self.__class__( new_dict, levels=levels + self.levels, level_names=level_names, )
[docs] def convert(self, dict_type=None): """Convert all nested dictionaries to desired type. Parameters ---------- dict_type: ['sndict', 'ndict', 'dict', 'odict'] Dict-type in string format Returns ------- dict, OrderedDict or NestedDict """ assert dict_type != "sndict", \ "For converting underlying levels to sndict, consider using " \ "sndict.new_with_metadata instead" return self._resolve_dict_type(dict_type)([ (key, StructuredNestedDict(val).convert(dict_type) if isinstance(val, dict) else val) for key, val in self.iteritems() ])
[docs] def rearrange(self, level_ls=None, level_name_ls=None): """Rearrange levels of StructuredNestedDict Only supply either level_ls or level_name_ls. Note: Whether supplying level_ls or level_name_ls, the supplied list must cover all levels contiguously from the start. I.e. level_ls=[2, 0, 1, 3] is valid but level_ls=[2, 0] is not. Parameters ---------- level_ls: list List of level ints. If level_ls contains level_names instead, the arguments is passed on to level_name_ls level_name_ls: list List of level names Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ assert (level_ls is None) != (level_name_ls is None), \ "Only either level_ls or level_name_ls can be supplied" if level_ls is not None: assert len(level_ls) > 0 if not isinstance(level_ls[0], int): level_name_ls = level_ls else: assert set(level_ls) == set(range(len(level_ls))) if level_name_ls is not None: assert list_is_unique(level_name_ls) if not set(level_name_ls) == \ set(self.level_names[:len(level_name_ls)]): raise RuntimeError("Redimensioned level_name_ls must be " "contiguous from level 0") level_ls = [self.level_names.index(level_name) for level_name in level_name_ls] return self._rearrange(level_ls)
def _rearrange(self, level_ls): """Underlying method for rearranging levels""" num_levels = len(level_ls) new_dict = col.OrderedDict() for key_tup, val in self.iterflatten(num_levels - 1): new_dict[tuple(list_index(key_tup, level_ls))] = val if self._level_names_is_set: new_level_names = tuple(list_index(self.level_names, level_ls))\ + self.level_names[num_levels:] else: new_level_names = None return self.__class__(new_dict, levels=self.levels - num_levels + 1)\ .stratify((len(level_ls)) - 1)\ .replace_metadata(level_names=new_level_names, levels=self.levels)
[docs] def swap_levels(self, level_a, level_b): """Swap two levels in a StructuredNestedDict Unlike sndict.rearrange, there's no need to be contiguous Parameters ---------- level_a: int or str level or level_name level_b: int or str level or level_name Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ if not isinstance(level_a, int): level_a = self.level_names.index(level_a) if not isinstance(level_b, int): level_b = self.level_names.index(level_b) assert level_a != level_b assert 0 <= level_a < self.levels assert 0 <= level_b < self.levels required_levels = max(level_a, level_b) + 1 new_level_ls = iter_to_list(range(required_levels)) new_level_ls[level_b], new_level_ls[level_a] = \ new_level_ls[level_a], new_level_ls[level_b] return self._rearrange(new_level_ls)
[docs] def replace_metadata(self, **kwargs): """Return new StructuredNestedDict with different metadata but same data Parameters ---------- levels: int Number of nested levels that StructuredNestedDict will work on level_names: list List of level names Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ assert set(kwargs.keys()) <= {"levels", "level_names"} return self.__class__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def replace_data(self, data): """Return new StructuredNestedDict with different data but same metadata Parameters ---------- data: dict, or list Nested dictionary Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ return self.__class__( data, levels=self.levels, level_names=self._level_names if self._level_names_is_set else None, )
[docs] def sort_keys(self, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False): """Sort keys of StructuredNestedDict (top-level only) Parameters ---------- cmp: function, optional Comparator function key: function, optional Key function reverse: bool, optional Whether to sort in reverse Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ return self.replace_data([ (key, self[key]) for key in sorted(self.keys(), key=key, reverse=reverse) ])
[docs] def sort_values(self, key=None, reverse=False): """Sort values of StructuredNestedDict (top-level only) Parameters ---------- key: function Key function reverse: bool Whether to sort in reverse Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ if key is not None: key = lambda a: key(a[1]) else: key = lambda a: a[1] return self.replace_data([ (key, val) for key, val in sorted(self.items(), key=key, reverse=reverse) ])
[docs] def map(self, key_func=None, val_func=None, at_level=-1, warn=False): """Apply transformations to keys and values Parameters ---------- key_func: function, optional Function to transform keys. Defaults to identity. val_func: function, optional Function to transform values. Defaults to identity. at_level: int Level to transform keys at warn: bool Warn if dimensions of dictionary have been changed Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ at_level = self._wrap_level(at_level) key_func = replace_none(key_func, identity) val_func = replace_none(val_func, identity) new_dict = self.replace_data({}) for key, val in self.iterflatten(levels=at_level, named=False): new_dict.nested_set(key_func(key), val_func(val)) assert new_dict.dim[-1] == self.dim[-1] if warn and new_dict.dim != self.dim: warnings.warn( "Empty high-level dicts may have been dropped, " "dimensions changes from {} to {}".format( new_dict.dim, self.dim, )) return new_dict
[docs] def map_keys(self, key_func, at_level=-1): """Apply transformations to keys and values Parameters ---------- key_func: function Function to transform keys at_level: int Level to transform keys at Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ return, at_level=at_level)
[docs] def map_values(self, val_func, at_level=-1): """Apply transformations to keys and values Parameters ---------- val_func: function Function to transform values at_level: int Level to transform values at Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ return, at_level=at_level)
# ==== Getters, Setters and Selectors ==== #
[docs] def filter_key(self, criteria_ls, filter_out=False, drop_empty=False): """Filter StructuredNestedDict by criteria. The criteria used in the following ways, based on type: 1. slice(None): Keep all 2. function: Keep if function(key) is True 3. list, set: Keep if key in list/set 4. other: Keep if key==other Parameters ---------- criteria_ls: list or dict Filter based on criteria filter_out: bool Whether to filter in or out drop_empty: Whether to drop empty nested dictionaries (nested dictionaries with all elements filtered out) Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ if len(criteria_ls) == 0: raise KeyError("criteria_ls cannot be empty") if isinstance(criteria_ls, dict): new_criteria_dict = col.OrderedDict() for level_name in self.level_names: if level_name not in criteria_ls: new_criteria_dict[level_name] = slice(None) else: new_criteria_dict[level_name] = criteria_ls.pop(level_name) if criteria_ls: raise RuntimeError("Unused criteria for: {}".format( criteria_ls.keys() )) criteria_ls = new_criteria_dict.values() filter_func_ls = [ get_filter_func(criteria, filter_out=filter_out) for criteria in criteria_ls ] return self._filter_key(self, filter_func_ls, drop_empty)
@classmethod def _filter_key(cls, obj, filter_func_ls, drop_empty): """Underlying method for filter_key""" if not filter_func_ls or not isinstance(obj, StructuredNestedDict): return obj filter_func = filter_func_ls[0] new_dict = col.OrderedDict() for key, val in six.iteritems(obj): if not filter_func(key): continue new_val = cls._filter_key(val, filter_func_ls[1:], drop_empty) if drop_empty and isinstance(new_val, StructuredNestedDict) \ and len(new_val) == 0: continue new_dict[key] = new_val return obj.replace_data(new_dict)
[docs] def filter_values(self, criteria, filter_out=False, level=None, drop_empty=False): """Filter StructuredNestedDict values by criteria. The criteria used in the following ways, based on type: 1. slice(None): Keep all 2. function: Keep if function(key) is True 3. list, set: Keep if key in list/set 4. other: Keep if key==other Parameters ---------- criteria: See above Filter based on criteria filter_out: bool Whether to filter in or out drop_empty: Whether to drop empty nested dictionaries (nested dictionaries with all elements filtered out) Returns ------- StructuredNestedDict """ filter_func = get_filter_func(criteria, filter_out=filter_out) level = replace_none(level, self.levels - 1) return self._filter_values(self, filter_func, level, drop_empty)
@classmethod def _filter_values(cls, obj, filter_func, levels_remaining, drop_empty): """Underlying method for filter_values""" if levels_remaining == 0: return obj.replace_data([ (key, val) for (key, val) in six.iteritems(obj) if filter_func(val) ]) else: new_dict = col.OrderedDict() for key, val in six.iteritems(obj): new_val = cls._filter_values(val, filter_func, levels_remaining - 1, drop_empty) if drop_empty and len(new_val) == 0: continue new_dict[key] = new_val return obj.replace_data(new_dict)
[docs] def nested_set(self, key_list, value): """Set a value within nested dicts, creating StructuredNestedDict at depth if they don't exist yet Note: Only allowed to set up to level of StructuredNestedDict Parameters ---------- key_list: list List of keys, one for each dict depth value: object Value to set nested """ self._check_key_list(key_list) dict_pointer = self for key in key_list[:-1]: if key not in dict_pointer: dict_pointer[key] = self.__class__() dict_pointer = dict_pointer[key] dict_pointer[key_list[-1]] = value
[docs] def nested_setdefault(self, key_list, default=None): """Nested version of dict.setdefault. Set a value within nested dicts, creating StructuredNestedDict at depth if they don't exist yet Note: Only allowed to set up to level of StructuredNestedDict Parameters ---------- key_list: list List of keys, one for each dict depth default: object, optional Value to set nested """ self._check_key_list(key_list) if self.has_nested_key(key_list): return self.nested_get(key_list) else: self.nested_set(key_list, default) return default
[docs] def nested_get(self, key_list): """Get value at depth Parameters ---------- key_list: list List of keys, one for each dict depth Returns ------- obj """ self._check_key_list(key_list) pointer = self for key in key_list: pointer = pointer[key] return pointer
[docs] def has_nested_key(self, key_list): """Check if nested keys are valid Parameters ---------- key_list: list List of keys, one for each dict depth Returns ------- bool """ self._check_key_list(key_list) try: self.nested_get(key_list) return True except KeyError: return False
def _get_multiple(self, key_or_criteria_ls): """Check whether list has keys or criteria (i.e. if any of the criteria lead to special filtering/getting functions""" if any(map(_is_criteria, key_or_criteria_ls)): return self.filter_key(criteria_ls=key_or_criteria_ls)\ .flatten_values(len(key_or_criteria_ls) - 1) else: return self.nested_get(key_or_criteria_ls) def _set_multiple(self, key_or_criteria_ls, val): """Check whether list has keys or criteria (i.e. if any of the criteria lead to special setting functions""" # TODO: Currently implementation is lazy and suboptimal, # repeatedly tests earlier keys if any(map(_is_criteria, key_or_criteria_ls)): selected_keys = self.filter_key(criteria_ls=key_or_criteria_ls)\ .flatten_keys(len(key_or_criteria_ls) - 1) for key_ls in selected_keys: print(key_ls) self.nested_set(key_ls, val) else: self.nested_set(key_or_criteria_ls, val) @property def ixkeys(self): """Indexer that allows for indexing by nested key list e.g. my_ndict.ix["key1", "key2", "key3"] or with criteria such as my_sndict.ix["key1", :, lambda _: "3" in _] Note that for a single key, a tuple/list needs to be provided, e.g. my_sndict.ix["key1",] Returns ------- Indexable """ return GetSetFunctionClass( get_func=self._get_multiple, set_func=self._set_multiple, ) @property def ix(self): """Indexer that allows for indexing by nested key/criteria list e.g. my_ndict.ix["key1", "key2", "key3"] or with criteria such as my_sndict.ix["key1", :, lambda _: "3" in _] Also supports: my_sndict.ix["key1"] If behavior is ambiguous, use sndict.ixkeys[key_list] and sndict[key] directly instead Returns ------- Indexable """ return GetSetAmbiguousTupleFunctionClass( get_func=self._get_multiple, set_func=self._set_multiple, ) # ==== Other ==== # def __repr__(self): args_string_ls = [ dict_to_string(self), "levels={levels}".format(levels=self._levels), ] if self._level_names_is_set: args_string_ls.append("level_names={level_names}".format( level_names=self.level_names )) return "{class_name}({args_string})".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, args_string=", ".join(args_string_ls), ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self.levels > 1: if isinstance(value, StructuredNestedDict) \ and value.levels == self.levels - 1 \ and value.level_names[1:] == self.level_names[1:]: # If dictionary is already StructuredNestedDict, and it looks # like we expect it to, skip overhead of initializing anew pass elif isinstance(value, dict): value = StructuredNestedDict( value, levels=self.levels - 1, level_names=self.level_names[1:] if self._level_names_is_set else None, ) if not isinstance(value, StructuredNestedDict) or \ value.levels != self.levels - 1: raise TypeError( "Inserted item needs to be a StructuredNestedDict " "with level={}".format(self.levels - 1)) super(self.__class__, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def to_tree_string(self, indent=" - ", key_mode="str", val_mode="type"): """Returns structure of NestedDict in tree format string Parameters ---------- indent: str Indentation string for levels key_mode: "type", "str" or "repr" How to serialize key val_mode: "type", "str" or "repr" How to serialize terminal value Returns ------- str """ key_str = get_str_func(key_mode) val_str = get_str_func(val_mode) def _dfs_print(dictionary, level, indent_): string_ = "" if level > 0: indent_str = " " * (level - 1) + "'-" else: indent_str = "" for key, val in six.iteritems(dictionary): if level < self.levels - 1: string_ += "{}{}:\n".format( indent_str, key_str(key)) string_ += _dfs_print(val, level + 1, indent_) else: string_ += "{}{}: {}\n".format( indent_str, key_str(key), val_str(val)) return string_ return _dfs_print(self, 0, indent)
[docs] def get_named_tuple(self, levels): """Get namedtuple class for named keys Parameters ---------- levels: Number of levels to construct named keys for Returns ------- class """ return col.namedtuple("KeyTuple", self.level_names[:levels])
@staticmethod def _resolve_dict_type(dict_type): """Resolve dict type based on string Parameters ---------- dict_type: ['sndict', 'ndict', 'dict', 'odict'] Dict-type in string format Returns ------- class """ if dict_type in [dict, col.OrderedDict, StructuredNestedDict]: dict_class = dict_type elif dict_type is None or dict_type == "sndict": dict_class = StructuredNestedDict elif dict_type == "ndict": dict_class = NestedDict elif dict_type == "dict": dict_class = dict elif dict_type == "odict": dict_class = col.OrderedDict else: raise KeyError(dict_type) return dict_class @staticmethod def _check_key_list(key_list): """Check if key_list is valid""" if len(key_list) == 0: raise KeyError("key_list cannot be empty") def _wrap_level(self, level): """Wrap a level argument""" return _wrap_level(level, allowed_level=self.levels)
def _wrap_level(level, allowed_level): """Wrap levels given a maximum allowed level""" if level < 0: wrapped_level = allowed_level + level else: wrapped_level = level if wrapped_level < 0 or wrapped_level >= allowed_level: raise LevelError( "Level {level} not valid for allowed_levels {allowed_level}".format( level=level, allowed_level=allowed_level )) return wrapped_level def _is_criteria(key_or_criteria): """Check if argument is a key or filter-criteria""" if key_or_criteria == slice(None): return True elif isinstance(key_or_criteria, (list, set, types.FunctionType)): return True else: return False sndict = StructuredNestedDict